
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
This was a homeschool conference talk I gave over the weekend and fair warning--it is not for the faint of heart. I directly tackle the reason so many kids are walking away from the Bible and their faith and deconstructing after being homeschooled. But it also applies to churched kids in general. What happens when we teach our kids to think critically about everything EXCEPT the Bible and about faith and about our own interpretations and doctrines? It's an easy mistake to make even without meaning to. Let's explore the problems and how to reverse is so that if our kids do deconstruct, they will still have the building materials to reconstruct a better and stronger faith.
Context for Kids www.contextforkids.com
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/08/episode-146-critical-failure-why-are-so-many-homeschooled-adults-abandoning-the-bible/