
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Episode 167: Study Series 13—Your Bible is an Interpretation
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Translation isn’t an exact science and there is no “one true interpretation”—not in any language. Translators have to look at words in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek and then make hard choices about which word in their own language would be the best substitute. And not every word can be translated easily—some can’t be translated at all because the original meaning of the word was lost. Also, sometimes Paul simply seems to have made up words by putting two actual words together. Words like dayenu, shema, ubuntu, and many others throughout the world cannot be translated without using a whole sentence or phrase. In addition, when the Bible was first written down, there were no vowel points in Hebrew and there were no spaces between words in Greek—who the heck thought that was a good idea anyway?
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2023/04/episode-167-study-series-13-your-bible-is-an-interpretation/