
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Episode 180: Help Me C4K! My Kids Need to Learn about Circumcision!
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Or maybe you think they don’t need to learn about Circumcision. Fair enough, but I can’t teach them anything about Genesis 17 and the foundation of the Land Grant Covenant without dealing with it. Neither of us can teach them about the important Scriptural meta-narrative of the circumcision of the heart that they will need to understand in order to live as disciples in the New Creation life we want for them. I will also be talking frankly about the importance of being open and honest with our kids about body parts and sex because if we can’t do that, then they won’t have adequate guides in us for learning the Bible. And when they do have questions, they will find someone else. In addition, I also talk about the importance of calling things what they are, without shame, and how it prevents sexual abuse.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2023/09/episode-180-help-me-c4k-my-kids-need-to-learn-about-circumcision/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/iYhEwnr0uJE