Friday Oct 04, 2019
Episode 28: Yom Kippur and Ba'al Peor
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
This one will be somewhat controversial, possibly, maybe not. Hopefully not. There is somewhat of a movement to classify fasting on Yom Kippur as traditional instead of commanded, but we are going to look at the original Hebrew and a whole lot of verses to analyze whether or not this is true. We are also going to explore some themes related to the sin of Israel with Ba'al of Peor, which we find in Numbers 25, and relate that to refusing to afflict ourselves on this day when we are medically able to do so, and worse, encouraging others to do the same.
It is a bit corrupted for about three minutes at the 22 minute mark--not sure what happened, Sorry about that!
And keep in mind that I love you guys. Really.