
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Okay, no more mister nice guy! This week Yeshua/Jesus moves on from his commissioning and calling of disciples in order to start fulfilling His mission as the Yahweh-Warrior, Israel's Savior, by delivering a man of a demon right in the middle of the local Synagogue--resulting in the amazement and approval of the gathered worshippers. We're going to talk about the Sabbath, early synagogues and where they did (and did not) originate, and ancient naming magic--which is what I think the demon was trying unsuccessfully to leverage against Yeshua here.
Here are those archaeology websites for information on Synagogue excavations http://www.pohick.org/sts/index.html and also https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-2000-year-old-synagogue-at-gamla-the-oldest-yet-found-in-israel/