
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Our Sukkot Miracle 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
What kind of a Father is God, anyway?
This has been a very trying year but there are also miracles and victories all around us. Trials and tribulations never come without deliverances and salvations. Last week our beloved 19-year-old son Andrew's cranial shunt failed unexpectedly, leading to emergency neurosurgery four hours from home, in an entirely different state, during the COVID crisis. How God moved in the midst of the confusion, obstacles and many misdirections is a beautiful picture of His love and compassion. I share the story plus lessons I learned about God's character in the midst of my own worry and fear and share a few reality checks gained after He cornered me into the position of needing to "break" not only the Sabbath but also the first High Sabbath of Sukkot.