
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Episode 64: Gospel of Mark 9--The Yahweh-Warrior of Isaiah
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
So, we've finally reached the end of Mark chapter one and I wanted to cover in more depth a concept that I have only hinted at in the past--the Yahweh-Warrior motif of Isaiah and Mark. How on earth are we supposed to pull together all of the images in Scripture of Yahweh as the shepherd and warrior coming personally to save His people and gather in the nations? That's exactly what Mark has been laying out the groundwork for in the first chapter of his Gospel. Exciting stuff!
We're also going to look at pre-Christian Jewish pseudepigraphic writings about the priestly Messiah that bear some interesting similarities to Mark's Gospel--along with some very notable differences.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Episode 63: Mark Part 8--Messiah and Metzora
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
This week we will be closing up Mark chapter one with the shocking story of Yeshua/Jesus healing the leper. We'll talk about Biblical tzara'at vs modern-day leprosy aka Hansen's disease, and cover a bit of Torah portion Metzora, which covers skin diseases. I will also be talking about lashon hara, evil speech, and what we can learn about how we are to control our tongues based on Miriam's affliction and in light of the George Floyd tragedy.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Episode 62: Mark Part 7--The Fever and the Fallout
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
After Yeshua's triumph on Friday night at the synagogue, he follows Peter home to his mother in law's home and cures her of a fever. The following night, after the Sabbath, the fallout that results from being a miracle worker in an age without modern medicine begins to take its toll. But what's the problem? Certainly, He wants to draw crowds and be famous, right? Isn't that the best way to get people to hear His message? Not so much.

Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Okay, no more mister nice guy! This week Yeshua/Jesus moves on from his commissioning and calling of disciples in order to start fulfilling His mission as the Yahweh-Warrior, Israel's Savior, by delivering a man of a demon right in the middle of the local Synagogue--resulting in the amazement and approval of the gathered worshippers. We're going to talk about the Sabbath, early synagogues and where they did (and did not) originate, and ancient naming magic--which is what I think the demon was trying unsuccessfully to leverage against Yeshua here.
Here are those archaeology websites for information on Synagogue excavations http://www.pohick.org/sts/index.html and also https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/the-2000-year-old-synagogue-at-gamla-the-oldest-yet-found-in-israel/

Friday May 22, 2020
Episode 60: Strokes and the Parable of the Snake Who Escaped
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
This broadcast is going to be very different than my usual fare. I am going to talk about what it is like to have a stroke and what it is like to be in recovery. It's my hope that by being open and honest about the struggles that people will be able to be a better support to loved ones going through this sort of thing--be it TIA's (transient ischemic attacks or mini-strokes), mild, moderate, or severe strokes or TBI (traumatic brain injuries).
Plus, through a parable, God taught me something incredibly important about His provision and protection and my sometimes ridiculous response to it that might amuse and maybe even edify you.

Friday May 15, 2020
Episode 59: Gospel of Mark Part 5--Fishers of Men
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
This week we're going to explore the amazing work of scholar Mendel Nun, who emigrated from Latvia to Israel in 1939 and spent twenty years fishing on the Sea of Galilee as a kibbutz member. As this was before the advent of modern "invisible" nets, he developed first-hand expertise in ancient fishing methods. I am really excited about this episode and about introducing you to the unique work of this brilliant scholar. His insights into the fishing narratives in the Gospels are just so eye-opening. This is a picture of him with nets like the ones that Simon, Andrew, James, and John were using, and would have to be stripped down naked in order to use--in the middle of the night, no less.
Here is a pic of him in his youth--you can see that these fishermen were not wimps! It was hard, back-breaking, dangerous work. Not for the timid.

Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Last week we talked about the role of John the Baptist but this week the action will transfer over to Yeshua (Jesus) and his baptism and temptation in the wilderness. The Gospel of Mark has a number of significant differences from the accounts found in Matthew and Luke because of the story he wants to tell--namely, how Yeshua ben Yosef from the backwater village of Nazareth is the Greater Exodus fulfillment of Isaiah 40-55. We are also going to take a brief look at 11Q13, better known as the sectarian Melchizedek Scroll.

Friday May 01, 2020
Episode 57: Gospel of Mark 3--Elijah the Forerunner
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
What do the Hebrew Bible, the Gospels, and Josephus all have to say about John the Baptist? Was he really a Baptist? (That was a joke)
We're going to dig into Isaiah, Malachi and Exodus in order to explore the very unique calling of the older cousin of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth, as well as his position as a priest.
We're also going to tackle another manufactured controversy--this time about whether or not John was really eating bee honey or date honey.

Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
One of the most common questions I get is "what exactly is the Gospel?" As Mark 1:1 uses that term, we need to explore it and talk about what it is and isn't. I will give you a hint--it isn't the "death, burial and resurrection" of the Messiah since He and His disciples were all recorded as preaching the Gospel before His death, and we all know how clueless His disciples were about His impending death and resurrection.
We're also going to cover the very misused concept of the "Greater Exodus" and talk about how some interpretations have led to some very ethnocentric, technocentric and socioeconomically disastrous doctrines.

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Episode 55: Gospel of Mark 1: Son of Man vs the Messiah
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
The Gospel of Mark points out something very interesting. When referring to Himself, Yeshua (Jesus) uses the term "Son of Man" instead of Messiah. We're going to do a cultural expectation study about what the term Messiah had come to mean to first-century Jews and talk about why Yeshua instead chose the more obscure title "Son of Man."