
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Episode 154: Sukkot and the Mystery of the Eighth Day
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
I apologize for uploading the episode from last week again this week! Thanks to my friend Elizabeth for catching that! It's fixed now!
What do the Parable of the Wicked Tenants, the eighth day, the pilgrimage festivals, and the Fruit of the Spirit all have in common? Everything.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/10/episode-154-sukkot-and-the-mystery-of-the-eighth-day/

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Episode 153: Yom Kippur and the Rapture
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
No, I am not suddenly endorsing the Rapture hypothesis but I am going to talk about how it is incompatible with any idea of white American (like me) and European Christians qualifying for it based on both Isaiah 58 and Matthew 25 and the historical reality of the persecuted church worldwide never being snatched from far worse than we can even imagine. This is a clarion call to all of us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance, without which, all the fasting in the world won’t impress God. For those of you unfamiliar with my pre-Yom Kippur broadcasts, just know that I don’t pull my punches.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/10/episode-153-yom-kippur-and-the-rapture/

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Episode 152: The Study Series—Reading the Bible as it was meant to be HEARD 1
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
I can’t stress enough how important it is to understand the ancient Hebrew view of authority and what makes a text inerrant and what does not. We’re going to start exploring what it means to the Body corporately and to us as individuals when we are aware that the Bible was never written to be read but to be heard. It means, among other things, that we have to look at the Bible as a community text and not as a personal one. Neither is it a scientific text. Neither was it finally written down in order to be read but instead to be archived. What is the Bible and what was it never intended to be?
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/09/episode-152-the-study-series-reading-the-bible-as-it-was-meant-to-be-heard-1/

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Episode 151: The Study Series—Good Source or Bad Source, Part 2
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
Last week I talked about the red flags to avoid while building a library and I even named names on some of the worst of the resources. This week, I am going to share not only how to build a terrific library but also the difference between primary, secondary and tertiary resources. I will also be posting my resource list for this series in a separate blog that I will link as soon as I get done putting it together. No secrets or mysteries here.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/09/episode-151-the-study-series-good-source-or-bad-source-part-2/
My Facebook E-Book Sale Page: https://www.facebook.com/TDRScholarlyBookSales

Friday Sep 09, 2022
Episode 150: The Study Series—Good Source or Bad Source, Part 1
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
One of the most important first steps in really getting serious about Bible context studies is to get yourself a good quality library (and learning how not to misuse it) without investing in stinkers or spending more money than you have to. This week, we’re going to look at the most common red flags that will keep you from buying books that should have never been printed, and avoiding common YouTube and Google mistakes.
My Facebook E-Book Sale Page: https://www.facebook.com/TDRScholarlyBookSales
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/09/episode-150-the-study-series-good-source-or-bad-source-part-1/

Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Episode 149: Mark 74 The Empty Tomb and the Contested Verses
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
At long last, the last episode about the Gospel of Mark and this one has a lot more context and controversy that most. We’re going to go through the entirety of chapter 16, including all four of the proposed endings—but are any of them the original? We will also talk about the legality of using women as witnesses during those times within Judaism.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/09/episode-149-mark-74-the-empty-tomb-and-the-contested-verses/

Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
I promised a report on the amazing things that happened in Texas at the conference and so here is a small taste of the miracles, friendship and healing I experienced over a weekend that I freely admit to dreading but so glad I went.
She's already planning a bigger and better sequel because this one completely sold out and the attendees are already clamoring for another!

Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
First off, I had an AMAZING weekend with the most wonderful group of ladies at the Surge Conference over the weekend in Texas. I had a miraculous healing that will allow me to travel and I will share that next week!
But Monday was bizarre--as it always the case when we have spiritual triumphs, right? And so I was subjected to some false accusations about what I do and do not support, teach, and say in two private Facebook groups which cater to a grand total of 800 members, while what I actually say was twisted and misrepresented. In a classic case of "Church as usual" because the poster was an admin, there was an argument about whether the post should be removed which took shamefully too long in the (much) smaller group and is still ongoing in the second. He is still an admin in good standing in both groups but I am not going to name names. My goal here is to address the accusations of heresy because my primary ministry is to children and I cannot allow the accusations to scare parents away. Parents, of course, need to be careful. I understand that and so I am always very careful about what I present to their children. I have asked God to judge between them and I because I trust Him. This isn't the first time I have been lied about and slandered by people who don't fact check (and if they had fact checked and look at the current series I am teaching to children they would have simply rolled their eyes) and it won't be the last, but I am taking a page out of the playbook of Mister Rogers and stopping to address only those accusations which could end up hurting children.
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/08/episode-147-the-sin-of-sodom-and-setting-the-record-straight-on-recent-accusations-of-heresy/

Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
This was a homeschool conference talk I gave over the weekend and fair warning--it is not for the faint of heart. I directly tackle the reason so many kids are walking away from the Bible and their faith and deconstructing after being homeschooled. But it also applies to churched kids in general. What happens when we teach our kids to think critically about everything EXCEPT the Bible and about faith and about our own interpretations and doctrines? It's an easy mistake to make even without meaning to. Let's explore the problems and how to reverse is so that if our kids do deconstruct, they will still have the building materials to reconstruct a better and stronger faith.
Context for Kids www.contextforkids.com
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/08/episode-146-critical-failure-why-are-so-many-homeschooled-adults-abandoning-the-bible/

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Episode 145: Mark 73 Good Friday?
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Which Preparation day was this? The day before the Passover or the day before the Sabbath or something else entirely? We’ll explore this controversy by pulling together some information that might surprise you! What was the significance of Joseph of Arimathea claiming the body of Yeshua/Jesus?
Transcript: https://theancientbridge.com/2022/07/episode-145-mark-73-good-friday/